Student Experience

Meraj Narouee
Firstly, I had firsthand experience of living in Mazandaran province and was familiar with its geographical environment; being familiar with the wonders of this region of Iran like its jungles, the Caspian Sea, and all the other attractions, I was definite that I wanted to continue studying where I was living. I had also heard about the quality of education of UMZ, and fortunately enough, UMZ is one of the best public universities in Iran and in the region based on international ranking systems.

My priority for education has always been the quality of education, which I think I have found by choosing UMZ.

There is a stage of life that is considered one of the best stages of life for many people, which is the university stage or student life, as it is considered in our current era to be one of the most important stages of life due to its importance in the future of most people. Student life is a special and exciting period in an individual’s life, as the person embarks on a journey of learning and personal growth, especially when this experience is in another country, in another language, and another culture. It is a great challenge and a unique opportunity at the same time. For me, this period was full of challenges that required rapid adaptation and continuous learning. The language was an initial obstacle, and I overcame it, thanks to God, in a few months. Getting to know a different culture was an exciting and enjoyable experience, as I gained a deeper understanding of diversity and cultural differences. Despite the challenges, the university trip created unforgettable memories for me and friends who added a lot to my life. I spent this period at the University of Mazandaran in the State of Iran, Mazandaran Governorate, Babolsar Directorate.  In the end, the experience was an opportunity for personal development and academic growth, and I am very grateful to everyone I knew there, especially the faculty members, who showered me with their kindness and love.

I consider my coming to this university and this province a divine blessing in the truest sense of the word

Johny Sumarna Putra
I come from Denpasar, Indonesia. I am currently studying master program in Energy Economics at University of Mazandaran.
I am interested in continuing my education in Iran because Iran is a country that has a good quality of education, especially among countries in the Middle East and University of Mazandaran is one of the best universities in Iran. It is very nice and accommodates foreign students really well. It was simple to find University of Mazandaran. I simply visited its website and found the information I needed. It’s quite easy to register and coordination can be done at any time.

why I choose Iran as a place to do my education? Well, because Iran has rich history, and a very rich culture; I want to study here and learn more about the country and its people. And last, Babolsar is a beautiful city in Iran; it has friendly people and a very good climate.


Sayed Amirreza Hosseini

MA Student at University of Marburg, Germany

I got my BA in English Language and Literature from University of Mazandaran. After receiving my BA, I got a place at University of Shahid Beheshti in master of Linguistics through Talented Students Placement. One year after studying MA in Linguistics, I dropped out and moved to Germany. I started my master program at University of Marburg in North American Studies program which is an interdisciplinary field that examines literature, gender, media and communications in the US, Canada and Caribbean countries. When it comes to University of Mazandaran, I have to say the experiences that it offered me were second to none. The English Language Department of University of Mazandaran was incredibly influential in my progress from a novice freshman to where I am today. My professors were so amiable and supportive. Apart from high quality of classes, they illuminated the path of my life by providing me a vast network of alumni either inside or outside of the country. It is worth mentioning that the location of University of Mazandaran is fascinating. Studying at the coastal city of Babolsar was one the most exciting experiences of my life. The city is nice and orderly and it always helped me keep going and enjoy my university life.

If I were given another chance to choose a university for my bachelor program, I would definitely opt for studying at University of Mazandaran again.

sarah Nataj

Ph.D Reasearch Coordinator, Instructor University of Manitoba
I did my BSc. in Applied Mathematics from 2002 to 2006.I used to live on UMZ's amazing campus. The View of Caspian Sea from the Window of my dorm and the sound of the Waves that I could easily hear during the lectures are only some of those gorgeous flashbacks that come back to me quite often.
I had some great professors during my study at the department of Mathematics. I learnt a lot in their classes .
Now, as a teacher, I always want to do the same , to make an environment  in  my class in which students can see the beauty of mathematics in the same way that I experienced during the years I spent at UMZ.

The years I spent at University of Mazandaran are the most memorable ones during my education.

Hasan Gholipour Fereydouni

associate professor of Real Estate Economics at Western Sydney University (WSU)

I finished my undergraduate education in 2003 at the University of Mazandaran (UMZ) in Economics. After leaving UMZ, I did my compulsory military service and then worked as a Procurement and Sales officer in a trading company in Babol. In 2007, I moved to Malaysia to obtain my MBA and PhD in International Finance from the University of Science, Malaysia.
During 2013 and 2014, I worked as a Research Fellow and Postdoctoral Researcher in Real Estate Economics at the University of Technology Malaysia. Currently, I am an associate professor of Real Estate Economics at Western Sydney University (WSU) in
Australia. Before joining WSU in 2020, I was a senior lecturer in Economics and Discipline Leader of Economics at Swinburne University of Technology.

 I remain so proud of my UMZ education and I sincerely thank its staff and professors for providing me with the skills and knowledge which are essential in the academic world

Every year, more than  12,000 students register at Mazandaran University through the national exam. Get involved with our alumni via our LinkedIn profile