About us

Today, due to the increasing decrease of reserves in land areas, the human need for marine environments is increasing day by day. Considering the vast water borders in the north and south of Iran and the need to exploit the resources that exist in these water environments, scientific researches in marine fields can provide the possibility of optimal exploitation of the very rich and God-given resources of these seas. make Based on this and considering the strategic location of Mazandaran University on the edge of the Caspian Sea and the absence of a faculty of marine and oceanic sciences in Mazandaran province, the faculty of marine and oceanic sciences of Mazandaran University in 2013 in order to improve the quality and quantity of fields related to marine sciences and With the aim of creating a scientific research infrastructure for marine activities, investigating and better use of marine resources, and also paving the way for the adoption of national marine measures in the country to raise the level of knowledge, education and research in marine sciences and techniques, it officially started working. The School of Marine and Ocean Sciences, as one of the schools under Mazandaran University, started its activity by accepting students in the master's degree in three fields: marine physics, marine chemistry and marine biology (marine ecology trend), which recently With the help of God and with the follow-up of the university authorities, it has been agreed to recruit undergraduate students in the mentioned fields in this faculty. The Department of Environmental Sciences in Mazandaran University has started accepting students in the master's degree since October 2016 with the aim of training and educating specialists in the field of water, soil and air pollution, water and wastewater treatment, waste management, biodiversity and clean energy. In fact, the main goal of this field of education and research is to solve environmental problems of the province. The field of environmental science is an interdisciplinary knowledge that is closely related to biology, chemistry, geology and soil science. Currently, in this faculty, master's degree students are studying in all three mentioned fields, and the first master's student in the field of marine chemistry graduated from this faculty in September 2013.
Dr. Abdul Ali Mohadinia
Dean of the Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D. in marine biology
​​​​​​​Academic rank:  Professor
Phone: 01135302920

​​​​​​​Research resume​​​​​​​
Dr. Mohsen Ahmedpour
Research, technology and culture deputy
PhD in environment
​​​​​​​Academic rank: Assistant Professor
​​​​​​​Phone: 01135305113

​​​​​​​Research resume​​​​​​​
Dr. Maryam Akhundian
Vice President of Education, Postgraduate and Student Education
Ph.D. in marine biology
​​​​​ Academic rank: Assistant professor
Phone: 011-35305122
​​​​​​​Research resume​​​​​​​

Introduction of Educational Groups

The Department of Marine Biology of Mazandaran University is operating with a bachelor's degree, a master's degree and a doctoral degree.

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1 Bachelor's degree
Masters degree
Biology of the sea
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The trend of marine ecology
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The trend of sea animals
Dr Shila Omid Zahir +981135305144
Sea chemistry plays a vital role in responding to environmental challenges in the water zone, such as acidification, eutrophication and pollution. The knowledge and expertise obtained from this field can help guide policies and management strategies to reduce problems and protect marine ecosystems that are important for the well-being of humanity and the global economy.

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1 Masters degree Sea trend chemistry

Dr. Abbas Ainali

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With more than 3000 kilometers of sea and water borders in the north and south, our country is considered one of the strategic countries in the geopolitical maps of the Middle East, so based on the analyzes provided by politicians and political and military experts, the most important strategic factor of the neighboring country is It is with such a wide sea border. This causes that in addition to threats, there are also serious opportunities for the country in military and civilian dimensions. Therefore, the role of the sea domain and, accordingly, the branch of oceanography is a fundamental role in defense and non-defense, and therefore the development of this branch will follow the development of defense and national.
Importance of sea physics Marine physics
​​​​​​​ (physical oceanography) is a branch of oceanography that studies different physical aspects of seas and oceans.
Among these aspects, we can include temperature-salinity structure, wave and current interaction, effects of waves and currents on the coastline, investigation of sea forces and waves on marine structures, types of marine phenomena and their effect on sound and magnetism propagation and Root and fashion pointed out The results of these studies can have important applications such as predicting sea waves and tides, predicting sea currents and thermohaline circulation, predicting coastal currents for use in the design of breakwaters and marine platforms, developing key technologies in the field of saunas, developing key technologies in the field of fixed bases. and moving under the surface, getting energy from the sea and many other things. The importance of oceanography in Iran • A wide area of ​​the territory of Iran with a length of more than 2700 km is formed by the shores of the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman. . • Iran's access to open waters through the Oman Sea and the importance of sea transportation • The importance of using the rich food resources of the seas and oceans • The strategic importance of the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz: - About 68% of the world's known oil and gas reserves are located in the Persian Gulf. - Strait of Hormuz is the second busiest international strait in the world. Every day, about 16.5 to 17 million barrels of crude oil (2006 estimate), which is equivalent to 40% of the total oil transported by oil tankers and nearly 25% of the total global oil supply.

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1 Masters degree Physics of the sea

Dr. Abbas Ainali

The Department of Environmental Sciences in Mazandaran University has started accepting students in the master's degree since October 2016 with the aim of training and educating specialists in the field of water, soil and air pollution, water and wastewater treatment, waste management, biodiversity and clean energy. In fact, the main goal of this field of education and research is to solve environmental problems of the province. The field of environmental science is an interdisciplinary knowledge that is closely related to biology, chemistry, geology and soil science.

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1 Masters degree Environmental science

Dr. Fateme Kardel


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​​​​​​​Postal Address: Faculty of marine and Encironmental Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran
Postal Code: 13534-47416
P.O.Box: 416
Phone: +98-1135302920
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