About us

The theme of this faculty is the mathematics department which was formed in 1974 to influence the process of graduate education in the country using the named professors. After the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and in 1987, by accepting students in applied mathematics, he took an effective step toward expanding mathematical knowledge along with its applications in the province and country.
The Mathematics Department, which has continued its activities in two pure and applied fields, began to admit students to the graduate level in 1997. 
With the growth of quantitative and qualitative departments of mathematics, statistics, and computer science in bachelor, master's and doctoral levels, the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences officially started to operate in 2010. In 2011, the Master of Computer Science degree in computing was launched in the Faculty and started accepting students.
Faculty members of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, in addition to teaching or researching in various branches of mathematics, statistics and computer science, by joining scientific associations and cooperating with them in conducting seminars and conferences play an effective role in promoting mathematical knowledge and applications
Dr Allahbakhsh Yazdani
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
PhD in applied mathematics
Educational group: Applied mathematics
Academic rank: Associate Professor
Phone: 01135302430
​​​​​​​Research resume​​​​​​​
Dr. Mustafa Eslami
Research, technology and culture deputy
​​​​​​​PhD in applied mathematics
Educational group: Applied mathematics
Academic rank: Associate Professor
​​​​​​​Phone: 011-35302430

​​​​​​​Research resume​​​​​​​
Dr. Ali Valinejad
Vice President of Education, Postgraduate and Student Education
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​PhD in computer science
Educational Department: Computer Science Scientific rank: Assistant professor
Phone: 011-35302431

​​​​​​​Research resume​​​​​​​

Introduction of Educational Groups

The Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Mazandaran University, is operating with a bachelor's degree course, a master's degree course, and a doctoral degree course.

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Counter section field title head of department contact
1 Bachelor's degree​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Masters degree​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Statistics and applications 
​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​Mathematical Statistics​​​​​​​
Dr Afshin Fayyaz Movaghar +981135302477
The Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Mazandaran University, is operating with one major at the undergraduate level and one major at the master's level.

Counter section field title head of department Contact
1 Bachelor's degree
​​​​​​​Masters degree
co​​​​​​​mputer science​​​​​​​
mputer science- scientific computing

Dr Rohollah Yousefpour

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The applied mathematics department of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences is operating with one major in the bachelor's degree, four majors in the master's degree, and two majors in the doctoral degree.

Counter section field title head of department Contact
1 ​​​​​​​Bachelor's degree​​​​​​​
  ​​​​​​​Masters degree
  ​​​​​​​Masters degree
  ​​​​​​​Masters degree​​​​​​​     
     ​​​​​​​  ​​​​​​​Masters degree
Mathematics and applications
​​​​​​​Mathematics and Applications - Numerical Analysis
​​​​​​​Mathematics and Applications - Optimization​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​M​​​​​​​athematics and applications - graphs and combinations​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  ​​​​​​​Mathematics and Applications - Financial Mathematics
​​​​​​​Mathematics and applications
​​​​​​​Mathematics and applications - graphs and combinations

Dr Mashallah Matinfar

زبان فارسی یا پارسی زبان تکلم عده‌ای از ایرانیان و عده ای از ساکنان آسیای مرکزی است. خط این زبان همان خط عربی است با اضافه چهار حرف پچگژ . بین خط عربی و فارسی تفاوت های دیگری نیز وجود دارد.زبان فارسی دارای ادبیات غنایی قوی و گنجینه بزرگ شعر است.زبان شیرین و دیرین فارسی چه در قالب فارسی باستان و کتیبه‌ها و سنگ نوشته‌های خطوط میخی و چه در قالب فارسی میانه و سنگ نوشته‌های خطوط پهلوی و چه در قالب فارسی دری و خط فارسی که دارای فرهنگ غنی و پربار ادبیات بعد از اسلام است، همه جا بهترین سرمایه ملی و هویت ما ایرانیان است. این امانت گرانبها میراثی است که سینه به سینه و نسل به نسل به دست ما رسیده است. زبان فارسی یا پارسی زبان تکلم عده‌ای از ایرانیان و عده ای از ساکنان آسیای مرکزی است. خط این زبان همان خط عربی است با اضافه چهار حرف پچگژ . بین خط عربی و فارسی تفاوت های دیگری نیز وجود دارد.زبان فارسی دارای ادبیات غنایی قوی و گنجینه بزرگ شعر است.زبان شیرین و دیرین فارسی چه در قالب فارسی باستان و کتیبه‌ها و سنگ نوشته‌های خطوط میخی و چه در قالب فارسی میانه و سنگ نوشته‌های خطوط پهلوی و چه در قالب فارسی دری و خط فارسی که دارای فرهنگ غنی و پربار ادبیات بعد از اسلام است، همه جا بهترین سرمایه ملی و هویت ما ایرانیان است. این امانت گرانبها میراثی است که سینه به سینه و نسل به نسل به دست ما رسیده است.

Counter Section Field Title Head of Department Head
1 ​​​​​​​Masters degree
​​​​​​​Masters degree
​​​​​​​Masters degree
​​​​​​​Masters degree
​​​​​​​Pure mathematics - analysis
​​​​​​​Pure math - graphs and combinations
​​​​​​​Pure mathematics - algebra
​​​​​​​Pure mathematics - geometry - topology
​​​​​​​Pure mathematics - analysis
Pure mathematics - algebra
​​​​​​​Pure mathematics - geometry - topology

Dr Mehdi Rafie-Rad


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Click here to see the academic staff members of the statistics department


Meetings Hall
Statistics Lab
Kharazmi Seminary Hall
Computer Science Laboratory
Student Study Hall​​​​​

​​​​​​​Postal Address: Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran
Postal Code: 13534-47416
P.O.Box: 416
Phone: +98-1135302430
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